Neighborly Disputes

The Wilderness Rim Association has received a number of complaints this year about un-neighborly behavior. Although we, the Board of Trustees, are concerned about each of the residents of Wilderness Rim, resolving neighborly disputes is not one of our responsibilities. Frequently, neighborly disputes can be settled simply by talking with your neighbor. This can be(…)

Scavenger Hunt

PRESENTED BY THE WRA SPECIAL EVENTS COMMITTEE Kids ages 5 to 12 are welcomed to hunt! Bring your umbrella we may get a sprinkle of rain during the event. The children will be grouped into teams. Please be on time. Volunteers are needed to help with the teams. WHEN: Saturday, June 11, 2005 TIME: 11(…)


King County is considering a ban on all fireworks this year because of the recent dry weather. Wilderness Rim is within King County, so any decisions will apply to our neighborhood. Since there will not be another newsletter before the 4th of July holiday, please stay informed on this issue. Have a safe, sane and(…)

Fire Hydrants

If you have a fire hydrant in front of or near your house please keep the brush trimmed well away from it both so it can be easily seen in case of an emergency and to provide working room around it. Also, please make sure your house number is easily visible from the street and(…)