As of March 15th, 2014 there were over 40% of WRA members who have not updated the payee address to the WRA PO Box 315. Please send your money to the right place with the correct lot # if you want your account to be credited in a timely manner.
How to pay your WRA assessment and water bills online:
1. Sign up for “Online Bill Pay” with your banking institution.
2. Add a new Bill / Payee with the following info:
Payee Name: WRA
Payee Address: P.O. Box 315, North Bend, WA 98045-0315
Payee Phone: 425-888-0087
Account #: Your division-lot # (as shown on your water bill)
The Board is researching other options for bill payment and would like members who are interested in using credit cards to email with their div/lot# or comment below (must be logged in to the site).