

Cascade Park Playground

The Playground Renewal Committee is excited to announce its initiative to bring a brand-new playground to our community in 2025! Join us in building a fun and safe space for our children to play and grow. We will meet bi-weekly at the Chalet on Mondays at 6:30 PM over the next few months to finalize the design and create a community installation plan. Meeting dates will be available on the WRA calendar. Anyone is welcome to join the meetings and provide input to help us make this vision a reality. If you have any questions or would like to join the committee, please email

A playground 414937 Vector Art at Vecteezy

Upcoming King County Hawkweed Control in Wilderness Rim

King County Noxious Weed Specialist, Ashley Gould, will be in the Wilderness Rim Neighborhood the first two weeks of June controlling Orange & Yellow Hawkweed (Hieracium aurantiacum & Hieracium caespitosum).  Orange & Yellow Hawkweed are invasive plants that can invade grassy areas and displace desirable native species.  Both hawkweed species are Class B Noxious Weeds and are required to be controlled in King County.  Want to learn more about Orange & Yellow Hawkweed?  Visit or email Ashley at


Do you love the Wilderness Rim park?

Hi Neighbors!
Do you love Wilderness Rim’s Cascade Park and Brewster Lake?  Then come join your neighbors to show our recreation areas some TLC on Saturday, August 27th starting at 9am.  Here’s the plan in brief:
  • Show up at 9am
  • Have fun
  • Clean up dead branches and re-purpose them for Mother Earth via a Chipper
  • Meet neighbors
  • Paint the park picnic tables at the shelter
  • Eat some food and talk to your neighbors

If you are able to make it, please let us know so that we can plan accordingly and keep you well fed and happy during the day. Please email to confirm you will be blessing us with your presence. If you are planning on joining us, it might be a good idea to bring some work gloves.

Also, if you can’t make that date but are still interested in helping out, you can! From now until park cleanup day, you can help by gathering dead branches on your own time and bringing them over to the waste bins by the WRA office. This will help us get a good head start on the clean up.
If you have any questions about the event, please don’t hesitate to contact me directly ( or the WRA Parks Committee (
Looking forward to meeting you!
Jason Lange, Trustee 3
Wilderness Rim Board of Trustees

Don’t forget: Upcoming meetings

Just a quick reminder about upcoming Committee meetings on Wednesday, August 10:

6:30 – Water
7:15 – Firewise
7:30 – Budget & Finance
8:00 – Annual Meeting – Special Meeting

We welcome member participation!  Come join us if you can, and help keep our community a great place to live!

Financial Update—Water and Assessments

At the June 15, 2016 meeting, the WRA Board of Trustees voted to raise the base level minimum water rate charge by $2 from $34 to $36.  This is effective as of the July 2016 billing cycle.

The HOA Dues Assessment billing will be occurring in September to coincide with the annual meeting ballot ratification of the budget.

Questions or comments?  Please contact


Hot, Dry Weather Continues



Low precipitation in May and even lower precipitation this summer equals a very dry Wilderness Rim and an extremely high fire danger.

The WRA Board of Trustees has banned fireworks and open fires on Wilderness Rim common property (Cascade Park and Greenbelt areas).

All of us have a responsibility to help keep Wilderness Rim green and safe.





Canine Cleanup

With a $1000 grant from the King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks, WRA installed Dog Waste Stations in the Park and common property areas. Hopefully this will resolve some of the gifts left behind by pets and make cleanup more convenient for the neighborhood.

Thank you to Doug Greathouse and Wil Chromey for their work on this project!
