Fellow Neighbors,
UPDATE: (11/14/2016) The water leakage detection project, proposed for November 14-17, has been postponed. The Board of Trustees would like to gather additional data and work with Sallal and our Water System Operator to better determine the extent of water leakage in the Rim, and the factors contributing to water leakage, before deciding whether to conduct the project as proposed, or modify or terminate the project. We hope to have a decision in the next few months. Thank you for your patience.
The Department of Health (DOH) requires that small water utilities perform a leak detection exercise annually, and the board submitted the report in September. Because the estimated leak percentage was high (13%), and because the previous reports listed the value at 0%, the board decided to contract the services of Utility Services Associates to survey our water system for leaks. This was partly to pre-empt the DOH scrutiny for the disparity in our reports over the last few years and to ascertain the leak potential of the system to ensure we are not wasting water – and our community’s money.
Starting on November 14th, and running for 4 days, a technician from the service company will be conducting the survey with our water system operator. You may see and hear the truck around our neighborhood as they conduct the survey which involves listening to all pipe appurtenances, including each meter, at various locations around the system.
Thank you in advance for your patience, and if you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact the board at trustees@wildernessrim.org.