Events Meeting Rescheduled

Special Events Committee Meeting has been rescheduled to Tuesday Nov. 13th at the Chalet at 7pm. We will be finalizing plans for the upcoming Movie Night on Nov. 17th, as well as planning the Holiday Party scheduled for Dec. 8th. Nov, 17th we will have movie and PJ night showing Disney’s Brave at 6:30. Popcorn(…)

Free large Native Ferns for Fall Planting!

Native ferns, shrubs and deciduous trees are available now at no cost from your friendly Snoqualmie National Forest. Just get a free Transplant Permit from the Ranger Station in North Bend, grab your Forest Service Map, and take a short drive to dig out some beautiful specimens. The large Sword Ferns are particularly beautiful this(…)

Wild Animals in the Area

Our community extends condolences to our neighbors in River Bend who have lost a pet to the cougar. This recent sad news about a cougar taking pets in River Bend (and possibly at other homes as well) reminds us again that we live in an area of large wild animals. We should be mindful that(…)