
Special Meeting Announcement

There will be a Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees of Wilderness Rim Association:
Monday, February 25th, 2013 at 7:00 pm at the Wilderness Rim Chalet.

The purpose of this meeting is to address:
Board communications, standards and a recent Membership Concern.

Notice to Wilderness Rim Association members:

A Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees has been called by the President at 7 PM on Monday, November 19, 2012 in the Chalet. This meeting has been called to complete the agenda of the Nov. 14th meeting and to address concerns raised at that meeting.

PSE Tree Trimming Notice

A representative of Asplundh, PSE’s tree trimming service, called today to notify our community that Asplundh will be in Wilderness Rim on Thursday, November 15.
There will be a climbing crew working at 43233 SE 176th.

Separately Asplundh will be also be working along 434th Ave. SE and 433rd Place SE by December 1st. We expect a 72 hour notice for that visit as well. Our thanks to Asplundh for the heads up.

Events Meeting Rescheduled

Special Events Committee Meeting has been rescheduled to Tuesday Nov. 13th at the Chalet at 7pm. We will be finalizing plans for the upcoming Movie Night on Nov. 17th, as well as planning the Holiday Party scheduled for Dec. 8th.

Nov, 17th we will have movie and PJ night showing Disney’s Brave at 6:30. Popcorn will be served.

Free large Native Ferns for Fall Planting!

Native ferns, shrubs and deciduous trees are available now at no cost from your friendly Snoqualmie National Forest. Just get a free Transplant Permit from the Ranger Station in North Bend, grab your Forest Service Map, and take a short drive to dig out some beautiful specimens. The large Sword Ferns are particularly beautiful this year!

Wild Animals in the Area

Our community extends condolences to our neighbors in River Bend who have lost a pet to the cougar.

This recent sad news about a cougar taking pets in River Bend (and possibly at other homes as well) reminds us again that we live in an area of large wild animals. We should be mindful that this area has been home to such animals far longer than it has been our home and that they have adapted to our presence.

The State has an excellent website with lots of practical and interesting information. Please take the time to be an informed resident. The page for cougar awareness is Using a reliable source of information is the best way to learn about this situation.
There is a similar page on the State’s website regarding living with bears,

Please keep in mind the new law about not attracting these animals to your yard. A portion of this new law is posted here.

Park Decorations

These are some beautiful hand crafted decorations that were hung in one of the maple trees in our park. We appreciate the people who took the time to share them with us. Thank you for the joy you gave (and thank you for not lighting candles in the tree.)

[click on the photo for full size view]

Work Party this weekend: Building a Bridge on the walking trail around Brewster Lake

We need six people to help rebuild the wood bridge in the park. The work will take place on the second weekend of September. That will be Saturday, September 8 and Sunday, September 9. We do need enough volunteers for both days, but if one day or part of a day is what you are able to share please offer your help for that day. You will be a welcome addition to the project.

Volunteers may contact me, Ellen Smith, at or the office at

Those volunteers who have been doing the work to prepare for building the bridge realize that most of us cannot commit to an entire weekend for any project. So their request is that if you have a few hours or even an hour, especially on Saturday, please come and help. If you have tools (shovels, hammers, wheel barrows) and can bring them that would be great. The most valuable contribution is any time you can give our community to create a safe new foot bridge in our park.

Rumor has it that my friend Donna can get enough people together to provide sustenance for the workers. It has become a sort “If you build it we will feed you” kind of thing.

So, free work, free food, good people to work beside, and a safe new bridge for the children and the rest of us… who could ask for a better time? Did I say free food?

Fall Meeting Reminders

Several meetings are coming up this fall!

  • Saturday, October 27, 1:00 – 4:00 PM: Halloween party!
  • November 6, 7:30 PM: Special Events Committee (Chalet) – please come and help plan the Christmas party!
  • November 7, 6:00 PM: Committee Meeting (Chalet)
  • November 14, 7:00 PM: Board Meeting (Chalet)