
King County has delivered sand and sandbags to Wilderness Rim. The sand is in the parking lot next to Cascade Park and the sandbags are under the carport by the chalet. Please bring your own shovels to fill your sandbags.

King County Roads

King County Info for Pot Hole Repair Call 1-800-527-6231 (1-800-KC-Roads) with your request to have pot holes filled in, someone will be out within 24hrs to fill it.

Attention WRA Members!

SPECIAL EVENTS CHAIR NEEDED If you are interested in taking on the position of special events chair, please call the WRA office @ 425-0087 and leaving your name and phone number. The job entails planning 3 parties per year, Halloween, Christmas and an Easter Egg hunt. You would be responsible for planning and executing the(…)

Neighborhood Watch

If you’re interested in forming a neighborhood watch group, please contact Dawn at Thank you!