Look Up – Look Up

The WRA meter reader has noticed many dead and dying evergreen/conifer trees while out in the neighborhood reading the water meters of homeowners. These trees on members’ lots are hazardous to life and property and need to be brought down safely as soon as reasonably possible. Trees are dying because of ice storms and lighting(…)

Hot, Dry Weather Continues

  Low precipitation in May and even lower precipitation this summer equals a very dry Wilderness Rim and an extremely high fire danger. The WRA Board of Trustees has banned fireworks and open fires on Wilderness Rim common property (Cascade Park and Greenbelt areas). All of us have a responsibility to help keep Wilderness Rim(…)

Canine Cleanup

With a $1000 grant from the King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks, WRA installed Dog Waste Stations in the Park and common property areas. Hopefully this will resolve some of the gifts left behind by pets and make cleanup more convenient for the neighborhood. Thank you to Doug Greathouse and Wil Chromey for(…)