Please watch your mailbox and/or email for the official notice and ballot for the September 17th 2022 WRA Annual Meeting. Three trustee and three ARC positions are open for new candidates.
The meeting will take place at Cascade Park beginning at 10:00am to announce the ballot results and open discussion.
We will be holding a fishing derby prior to the Annual Meeting at Brewster Lake! The fishing derby will begin at 6:30am and will end at 9:30am, with the winners being announced at the Annual Meeting.
Over 300 trout ranging in size from 5 inches to 13 inches were released into Brewster Lake in June. Many children were able to attend the fish release, and the trout seem to be adapting well to our private lake.
All fishing derby participants must register prior to fishing. Registration will begin at 6:00am on September 17th, and the derby will officially begin at 6:30am. (No Fishing Before)
The official rules will be posted separately, and prizes will be awarded for the top 3 longest fish. All registered participants will also be entered into a raffle prize drawing.
Please reach out if you are interested or able in donating some prizes to this exciting event. This makes it more exciting for our kiddos participating! (It could be anything from gift cards, fishing supplies, toys/games, money, etc.) Also we are in need of a fish scale (for a tie-breaker) if anyone has one to loan for the day. Donating businesses will be listed on a vinyl banner in recognition, and will be displayed at the park on the day of the derby. Contact Melanie Foister ( if you are able to donate!
Thank you and see you all on September 17th!