Private Road Maintenance

Do you live on a private road in the Rim? It is the responsibility of the residents who reside on the private road to maintain the roadway. There is no county maintenance support as the other roads receive. The RID and LID programs for these roads are no longer being funded, so the financial responsibility(…)

Firewise Education

Wildfire prevention is something Smokey the Bear has taught for decades.  Did you see him at Cascade Park on Saturday, April 4?  Neighbors young and old watched and participated in a variety of fun educational activities put on by the WRA Firewise Committee. King County DNRP Project Program Manager, Linda Vane, spoke about vegetation and(…)

2015 Easter Egg Hunt and Peep Roast

Fun times were had by all who attended this year’s Easter Egg Hunt and Peep Roast! THANK YOU to those who volunteered by stuffing eggs, making signs, inviting friends, stoking the fire, hiding the goodies, cleaning up, and the many other details to make this event happen!  Living in a neighborhood with such fun, caring people is amazing.    (…)

Tree Removal Standards for the Wilderness Rim Area

WRA Tree Removal Guidelines WRA members are not required to obtain approval of the ARC before removing trees, however, the WRA ARC Guideline 8.12.1 states that “Trees removed for safety or other reasons shall be replaced to maintain the natural sylvan environment of Wilderness Rim.” DPER Tree Removal Standards for the Wilderness Rim Area  (Residents must confirm their(…)