Five Ways You May Be Wasting Water Around The House

From: It’s easy to be conservation conscious in theory, but in practice, it takes sacrifice and discipline. The Bureau of Reclamation found that the Colorado River’s worst drought in 100 years could affect agriculture and hydroelectric power production, reports. If the drought continues, desert residents could see more direct consequences, including higher water(…)

Danger: Thin Ice

  Every few years, Brewster Lake freezes over.  It’s so beautiful and interesting that it is very tempting to try to walk across it.  Please don’t. Consider the following headlines from the last few days: Two young brothers die after falling through thin ice in rural Iowa Three people die after separate drownings after falling(…)

Wild Weather

    Wilderness Rim is 600 feet higher than North Bend.  Sometimes that 600 feet makes a big difference in the weather. Thanks to Scott Johansen’s Personal Weather Station, you can now get a weather report specifically for Wilderness Rim. Look for the “Weather” links on the Home page (shown above). Thank you Scott!  

Guidelines for Attending Board of Trustees Meetings

Wilderness Rim Association Guidelines for Member Participation Member Participation and Contribution Members are welcome at all meetings and are encouraged to attend, participate and contribute to deliberations. Recognition of a speaker by the presiding officer is a prerequisite to speaking and is necessary for an orderly and effective meeting. It will be expected that all speakers(…)