Park Equipment Update

Have you visited the park to play on the new playground equipment? We have our new play structure, a teeter-totter, and a bouncy toy in place! We also had new baby swings installed. Please join us at our Annual Meeting to see your special assessment funds in action. Activity bags will be provided for the(…)

Proposed Water Rate Increase

The president of Sallal Water Association, Donald Klausing, will be a guest speaker at our Annual Meeting. The WRA Board of Trustees received a letter from the Sallal Water Association proposing a water rate increase. The Board of Trustees is in negotiations regarding this proposed increase. Mr. Klausing is making himself available to discuss this(…)

We Want You…

to join the board! Are you interested in your community? Do you want to become more involved? We currently have two openings on the Board of Trustees and five openings on the Architectural Review Community. Please come to the Annual Meeting and run for one of these positions. You will be providing a valuable service(…)

From the Park Committee

After seventeen year without a dues increase and faced with minimal volunteer support, the Park Committee has finally admitted, “It’s time.” We are asking or $10 a year, per lot, to pay for maintenance and improvements in our park and green belt areas. Your dues would increase to only $60 a year, per lot. That’s(…)