Fire Hydrants

If you have a fire hydrant in front of or near your house please keep the brush trimmed well away from it both so it can be easily seen in case of an emergency and to provide working room around it. Also, please make sure your house number is easily visible from the street and(…)

WRA Annual Meeting: July 9th, 2005

The Wilderness Rim Association (WRA) Annual Meeting is almost here! The 2005 WRA Annual Meeting will be held at Cascade Park on July 9th, from 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Come early and enjoy coffee, doughnuts and conversation with your neighbors. The meeting will begin promptly at 10:00 a.m. The agenda for the meeting is(…)

Burning Ban

Due to our drier than usual winter, the annual burn ban go into effect earlier this year. The ban began on May 16th, 2005. Permits may be obtained at the North Bend Fire Station on 2nd Street in downtown North Bend. Additional information regarding permits can be found on the web at