
Attention WRA Members!

If you are interested in taking on the position of special events chair, please call the WRA office @ 425-0087 and leaving your name and phone number.
The job entails planning 3 parties per year, Halloween, Christmas and an Easter Egg hunt.
You would be responsible for planning and executing the parties and lining up volunteers to bake, staff the event, buying supplies (for which you will be reimbursed), etc.
You will also be responsible for decorating the Chalet at Halloween and Christmas.

Election Results, July 2010

Trustees Elected for 3 Years

Doug Casad
Wil Chromey
Del Johnson
Stephen Miller
Janet Sailer

Architectural Review Committee Members Elected for 1 Year

Lisa Baty
Alan Bruckner
Brian Mogridge
Andrea Nelson

Results of Ballot Issues

2009 Annual Meeting Minutes – Approved 90%
Annual Assessment $20.00 Increase – Approved 56%
2010-2011 WRA Annual Budget with Increase – Approved 57%
2010-2011 WRA Annual Budget without Increase – Failed 59% against
$27.50 Special Assessment for security patrol – Approved 62%
Waiving Annual Audit for 2009-2010 – Approved 79%

Bylaw revisions:

3.1.9 Board absences consecutive meetings – Approved 80%
3.1.10 Board absences in 6 months – Approved 79%
3.1.11 Delete this bylaw – Approved 81%
5.2.5 Water Utilities duties – Approved 85%
6.7 Multiple lot ownership – one assessment payment – Failed 62% against

New Water Emergency Phone Number

In the event of a water emergency such as low water pressure, a leak observed at a fire hydrant, or potential issues with the water meter or water mainlines, please call Sallal Water Association at (425) 888-3650 to report the problem. After hours, the voice mail message will direct you to the phone number for the 24 hour emergency on-call staff person. If you have a a leak in your home or service line or problems with your hot water tank, please consult the phone directory for a plumber to respond to your problem.

2008-2009 Board of Trustees

Board of Trustees

Trustee Term expires Officer/Chair
Alan Bruckner 7/09 Vice President
Mia Buse-Stone 7/09 Treasurer
Tamara Davidson 7/10 Special Events
Dennis Dexter 7/10  
Joyce Jansen 7/10  
Del Johnson 7/10 Park/Security
Steve Miller 7/10 President
Brian Mogridge 7/11  
Andrea Nelson 7/11 Secretary/Communication
Janet Sailer 7/10 Water Utilities
Chad Villegas 7/11  

Architectural Review Committee Members

One year term – expires 7/09

Elizabeth Baty
Alan Bruckner
Del Johnson
Diane Lindstrand
Andrea Nelson – Chairman
Chad Villegas

2008 Annual Election Results

Our Annual Meeting was held July 12.
Please see the election results below.

Trustees Elected for 3 Years
Brian Mogridge
Andrea Nelson
Chad Villegas

Architectural Review Committee Members Elected for 1 Year
Elizabeth Baty
Alan Bruckner
Del Johnson
Diane Lindstrand
Andrea Nelson
Chad Villegas

Results of Ballot Items

1. 2007 Annual Meeting minutes: APPROVED 96%

2. A $20.00 increase in the annual assessment to $80.00: FAILED 38%

3. $27.50 Special Assessment Security Patrol per lot for 2008-2009: APPROVED 62%

4. The 2008-2009 WRA Budget: APPROVED 59%


Please join us in Cascade Park on July 12, 2008 for the Wilderness Rim Association Annual Meeting.Registration begins at 9:30 a.m. and the meeting starts at 10:00 a.m. Refreshments will be served. Your participation is encouraged and your vote can make a difference. If you can’t join us at the meeting, please fill out your proxy vote and return it to the WRA office by June 30, 2008.

Annual Assessment
This year we are asking you to vote to increase the annual assessment from $60.00 a year to $80.00 a year. The assessment was $50.00 from 1987 to 2005 at which time it was increased to $60.00 a year. As you all know from having to live within your own budgets, everything costs more these days. Due to inflation and increased costs, we have no choice but to ask for this increase in order to maintain the services provided for the park and for the day to day expenses of the association. We wouldn’t ask for this increase if it wasn’t absolutely necessary.

Refund on park clean up assessment B
In March, homeowners received a refund from WRA Special Park assessment B because the bids for clean up came in much lower than anticipated. The money was earmarked specifically for storm damage clean up and the excess amount was returned to homeowners when the project was completed.

Security Patrol Special Assessment
Once again, one of the issues on this year’s Annual Meeting ballot is a special assessment for the sole purpose of hiring security personnel to patrol Wilderness Rim. The cost of the special assessment for the patrol will be $27.50. We will have a representative from the King County Sheriff’s Dept available at the Annual Meeting to answer your questions.

People Running for the Board of Trustees
Blanca Anderson: My husband and I have lived in the Rim for 4 years and I have served on the board for almost all of those four years. I am currently serving as Treasurer and would like to continue to be a part of the WRA board. I want to be on the board to continue working for the betterment of the community and helping to insure that the Rim remains an enjoyable place to live.

Andrea Nelson: My husband and I have lived in the Rim since 1998. I served on the WRA Board of Trustees’ from 1999 to 2004. During my tenure I served as Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary, and was active on all the committees. I would like an opportunity to serve again. I am currently serving as a member of many of the WRA committees and I enjoy being involved in the homeowners association.

Chad Villegas: My wife and I have lived in the Rim for 2 years and I am currently serving as the ARC chairperson. I want to insure that Wilderness Rim continues to be an enjoyable and comfortable place to live and I would like to serve as a member of the board.

Brian Mogridge: No statement submitted