Upcoming King County Hawkweed Control in Wilderness Rim

King County Noxious Weed Specialist, Ashley Gould, will be in the Wilderness Rim Neighborhood the first two weeks of June controlling Orange & Yellow Hawkweed (Hieracium aurantiacum & Hieracium caespitosum).  Orange & Yellow Hawkweed are invasive plants that can invade grassy areas and displace desirable native species.  Both hawkweed species are Class B Noxious Weeds(…)

Additional Homeowner and Security Dues to be Billed in Late May

Last July, the Board decided to invoice members for their Association homeowner dues and security patrol dues every two months, rather than in a lump sum in July, as was done in the past. However, these dues were not invoiced when bills were sent out in late July 2016, as the transition to billing these(…)