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SVT Now Has Routine Bus Routes in the Rim

Snoqualmie Valley Transportation (SVT) now has regular bus service in Wilderness Rim for $1 per trip. The new Cedar Falls Loop Service will pick up residents along the main WR loop six times per weekday.  The bus also travels to Rattlesnake Lake during the summer. Please check out the newly updated www.svtbus.org website for more(…)

Bark, Bark, Bark

One of the best things about living in Wilderness Rim is enjoying the quiet.  One of the greatest frustrations is listening to barking dogs—especially now, as the weather warms and windows are open and people are out walking. Sometimes Wilderness Rim residents come to the WRA Board of Trustees for help with getting relief from(…)

O Say Do Those Star Spangled Banners Yet Wave?

Thanks to the inspiration of one of our neighbors, two shining beacons of light greet residents of Wilderness Rim each day.  Art Farash, long-time Wilderness Rim Association member, had a revelation when driving by a home with a large flag waving in the Uplands.  “I saw their beautiful flag and thought, ‘why couldn’t I do(…)