Questions to the WRA Treasurer

Q:  Please have the treasurer, Donna Greathouse, explain the two line items “Board of Trustees $150″(Assessment) and “Repairs – WRA Buildings $12,000”? A:  The $12000 is projected for roof repairs on the Chalet and office.  If this proves to not be enough we will at least set aside this much to combine with funds from(…)

Lost and Found

If you have lost an item in the park, it may have been turned in at the Chalet. Office hours and contact information are in the website sidebar.

A Brief Description of WRA

  Wilderness Rim was started in 1967. We have: an Administrative Assistant in the WRA Office located in the Rim an independent bookkeeper a Certified Public Accountant an attorney an insurance agent a private security patrol staffed by off-duty King County officers an amazing Water System to bring us some of the best water in(…)