
From the Park Committee

After seventeen year without a dues increase and faced with minimal volunteer support, the Park Committee has finally admitted, “It’s time.” We are asking or $10 a year, per lot, to pay for maintenance and improvements in our park and green belt areas. Your dues would increase to only $60 a year, per lot. That’s a bargain by any account! While this might seem like a big jump, it is only 1.2% a year, when annualized over the last seventeen years. Please support this effort and our parks by voting yes at the Annual Meeting, July 9, 2005.

Neighborly Disputes

The Wilderness Rim Association has received a number of complaints this year about un-neighborly behavior. Although we, the Board of Trustees, are concerned about each of the residents of Wilderness Rim, resolving neighborly disputes is not one of our responsibilities. Frequently, neighborly disputes can be settled simply by talking with your neighbor. This can be difficult to do sometimes, but personal communication is usually the most effective method of resolving a conflict with your neighbor. Escalating the issue to higher authorities without first discussing the issue with your neighbor often brings negative results, exasperating the situation.

Some advice on resolving neighborly disputes includes:

• Talk to your neighbor soon after the issue arises. Don’t wait for the situation to worsen.

• If you have a complaint, approach your neighbor as a neighbor – with tact and respect.

• If you’re approached by your neighbor with a complaint, try not to take offense. Instead, try to understand your neighbor’s perspective, and try to think of a reasonable way to resolve the issue.

• Be prepared to compromise, whether you’re the neighbor issuing the complaint, or whether you’re the one receiving the complaint.

Thank you for your help in keeping the Rim a friendly place to live.

Scavenger Hunt


Kids ages 5 to 12 are welcomed to hunt! Bring your umbrella we may get a sprinkle of rain during the event. The children will be grouped into teams. Please be on time. Volunteers are needed to help with the teams.

WHEN: Saturday, June 11, 2005
TIME: 11 A.M.
WHERE: Cascade Park

Meet us at the basketball court.
Team prizes will be awarded!Parents wanting to help with the hunt call the WRA office or email


King County is considering a ban on all fireworks this year because of the recent dry weather. Wilderness Rim is within King County, so any decisions will apply to our neighborhood. Since there will not be another newsletter before the 4th of July holiday, please stay informed on this issue. Have a safe, sane and happy 4th of July.

Fire Hydrants

If you have a fire hydrant in front of or near your house please keep the brush trimmed well away from it both so it can be easily seen in case of an emergency and to provide working room around it. Also, please make sure your house number is easily visible from the street and is a contrasting color from the house (if mounted to the house). Consider putting your house number on your mailbox to make it even easier for us to find your address. Thank you from your volunteer fire station crew!

WRA Annual Meeting: July 9th, 2005

The Wilderness Rim Association (WRA) Annual Meeting is almost here! The 2005 WRA Annual Meeting will be held at Cascade Park on July 9th, from 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Come early and enjoy coffee, doughnuts and conversation with your neighbors. The meeting will begin promptly at 10:00 a.m.

The agenda for the meeting is as follows:

• Announcements
• Introduce the Board of Trustees
• Introduce the Architectural Review Committee
• Review the 2004 Annual Meeting Minutes
• Nominate and present Trustees
• Nominate and present the Architectural Review Committee representatives
• Present the proposed Special Assessment for security
• Present the proposed dues increase
• Present the proposed 2005-2006 WRA Annual Budget
• Guest Speaker: Donald Klausing, President of Sallal Water Association
• Vote
• Adjourn

We are working to serve our community and in order to do so effectively we need to know what issues are important to our residents. Your participation is vital. Please join us and help us keep the Rim wonderful!

Burning Ban

Due to our drier than usual winter, the annual burn ban go into effect earlier this year. The ban began on May 16th, 2005. Permits may be obtained at the North Bend Fire Station on 2nd Street in downtown North Bend. Additional information regarding permits can be found on the web at

Notice to WRA Homeowners

On 3/21/2005 the WRA Office received a notice from the Sallal Water Association that proposes an increase to the metered water rate that greatly exceeds any prior increase negotiated between WRA and Sallal. Our WRA Board of Trustees is in contact with our attorney and is reviewing the proposed increase to determine if it is fair and legal. If our homeowners have any information regarding this issue please contact the WRA office at (425) 888-0087.