Great Washington ShakeOut – Wilderness Rim

Washington is EARTHQUAKE COUNTRY!On Thursday at 10:15 a.m., millions around the world will be practicing their earthquake safety actions along with WRA!  Participants in the Great Washington ShakeOut include over 1 million, out of more than 40 million worldwide. Learn how to Drop, Cover, and Hold on various situations with Recommended Earthquake Safety Actions Guide(…)

No Shooting

Wilderness Rim is designated a no shooting zone by King County and hunting is prohibited. At the September Board meeting, the trustees made it part of WRA’s regulations that all corporate properties are off limits to hunting and to the discharge of any firearms or the use of bows and arrows. This restriction was effective(…)

2015 WRA Photo Contest!

The 2015 WRA Photo Contest was a great success!  Here are the winners: First Place:       “Moody Rattlesnake” – Danielle Decker Second Place:   “Cascade Park Path” – Lesley Webb-Henry Third Place:      “Brewster Lake” – Hannah Marie Schmale Winners have been notified via email and may pick up their prizes in the WRA Office.  Congratulations and thank you(…)