Trash at the Triangle

Please do not leave any discarded items or “for free” items at the entrance to the Rim or at the Triangle. This is considered illegal dumping. If you have any items that you would like to give away, you may post a sign on the bulletin boards. We want to keep our community looking great.(…)

The Assessments

This month’s water bill also includes a charge of $50.00, which is for the Security and Park Assessments. There will be a $15.00 late fee per assessment for any unpaid balances. Please contact Valerie if you need to make payment arrangements.

Winter Driving Etiquette

Please remember that when the roads are icy, it is safest to wait at the top of the Cedar Falls Entrance hill and proceed down one car at a time when leaving the Rim. Also, parking your car on the roadside could get it snow packed in by the snowplow.

Volunteers Needed for Special Events

Thanks to the wonderful support of the Board, we will be trying some new ideas for community events this year. In doing so we hope to attract all ages from 0 to 100, and bring a wider diversity of community members together. This is new territory for all of us and we would love your(…)