
Hot, Dry Weather Continues



Low precipitation in May and even lower precipitation this summer equals a very dry Wilderness Rim and an extremely high fire danger.

The WRA Board of Trustees has banned fireworks and open fires on Wilderness Rim common property (Cascade Park and Greenbelt areas).

All of us have a responsibility to help keep Wilderness Rim green and safe.





Canine Cleanup

With a $1000 grant from the King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks, WRA installed Dog Waste Stations in the Park and common property areas. Hopefully this will resolve some of the gifts left behind by pets and make cleanup more convenient for the neighborhood.

Thank you to Doug Greathouse and Wil Chromey for their work on this project!


Second Annual Rim Run 2015

We had another successful Wilderness Rim Run/Walk in our community on Saturday, May 16th.  No rain and not too hot – perfect for running and walking outdoors. The trail additions to the courses on the 5K and the park run for the kid’s 1K received rave reviews!  Also new this year was the water station was supplied with our local cub scouts and volunteer firefighters, complete with aid car.

1.2-5K Signs1.0 Chalk Man  1.5Cone Pull   101-SteveMcDonald 1.7 Checking the Course102-Race Prep 101-Checking In105-ChrisHardy 105-Doggie 106-Taylor 108-JeremiahandRowan 110-Byron 115-Goodies 120-Instructions 121-Schedule 125-SpectatorsRiley 126-SpectatorsAria 127-SpectatorsDanshita 130-Stretching

There were some repeats from last year’s races in the winners circle as well as some newcomers.

1K Winners:

First Place – Jeremiah Besso
Second Place – Rowan Hardy
Third Place – Reggie Danshita

5K Winners:
First Place Female – Julene McDonald, 22:05
Second Place Female – Emily Rourke, 24:24
Third Place Female – Kristina Platt, 26:08

First Place Male – Tyler McDonald, 25:36
Second Place Male – Taylor Schulte, 26:23
Third Place Male – Jeremiah Moore, 28:02

135-1k Starting Line 140-1k OnYourMark 140-1k Pre Race 141-1k GetSet 142-1k GO 143-1k And they're off 144-1k AroundTheLake 145-1k Preston 145-1k Rounding the corner 146-1k Rounding the cornerRowan 147-1k First Place Girl Lucy 150-1k LastPlace 151-1k Finishers 152-1k 200-5k Start 205-Julene 206-Tyler 207-Emily 208-Kristina 210-ChrisHardy 211-JeremiahMoore 212-Stella and Taylor 213-Taylor 214-Erin 215-Preston 217-Elena 218-Megan 219-JessieCunningham 220-Emery 221-SavannahWebb 222-Byron 223-Logan 224-BenHenry 225-Reggie and Webbs 226-Lesley 227-Leilah 228-Roger Platt 229-Taylor 230-JenniferMoore 231-Hiroki and Resa 232-Mobile Aid Station 233-JenniferThomas 234-Thomas 240-Aid Station 241-Scouts 242-Lucy at Aid Station 243-Stella 244-Elena 245-JeremiahBesso 246-Kids 247-Megan 248-Scout 249-Preston 250-Covey 251-Serena 252-Emery 253-Lesley 254-Jennifer 255-Running Girls 256-Mile3 257-Webbs 258-Smiles 261-Racing Smiles259-Bug 260-Awards 260-Volunteers  261-Waiting for Prize 262-Taylor at Finish Line 263-Josiah 274-1k Winners and Smiles 275-Awards 275-Kids 276-Awards 277-Medals 280-Finish Line 285-Food 286-Riley and Will 287-Riley and Will 288-Shoes


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Thank you to President Steve McDonald for the passion and vision for making this event happen!  Thank you also to the following volunteers:

Will Thomas – course set up, food prep, race rabbit, photography
Matt Rourke – course marshaling, food prep, water station setup, cleanup
Fernando Platin – course marshaling
Robert Beeler – course marshaling, photography
David Morrison – setup, course marshaling
Lenny Stoltman – course marshaling, water station
Joyce Jansen – planning
Jim and Jessica Besso – set up, timer, finish line, photography, cleanup
Wil Chromey – trail maintenance and the bright yellow gate
John Greer – course route
Leslie Kreher – course route
Doug Greathouse – greenbelt trail maintenance and park preparation
Dan Covey – cub scout coordination, fire station coordination, water station
Cub scouts – water station
Sean Sundwall of – safety vests and signs
North Bend Public Works – traffic cones

Want to be part of more great events like this in our neighborhood?  Contact and see you at the next WRA special event!

The Morally Superior Toilet

Here is some Win-Win-Win advice: you can save money by lowing your water bill. You can enjoy a sense of accomplishment by learning a new, exciting skill that you can talk about at parties. You can feel the empowering satisfaction of moral superiority by contributing to a better world.

You can accomplish all of this by simply making sure your toilets are not leaking.

When a faucet or spigot is leaking, you can see the drips and puddles, but a toilet can leak for years without being noticed.

There are two types of toilet leaks: an overflowing tank and a leaking valve.

Overflowing Tank

If your toilet is never silent, it is probably overflowing. Inside the tank there is a plastic pipe that sticks straight up and is open at the top. If the water goes all the way to the top of that pipe, it is overflowing.

Leaking Valve

To see if the valve is leaking:
1) Put a few drops of a dark food coloring in the tank. If you don’t have food coloring on hand, you may use dye strips that are available for free from the WRA office.
2) Wait for an hour.
3) Look for food coloring in the bowl.

To see videos of how to fix a leak, go to and search for “fix a leaking toilet”.

Cross-Connection Control

If you have an irrigation system, hot tub, pond, or other device that connects to your home’s water system, you are required to provide backflow protection and testing to WRA. Please contact the office for more information to comply with WAC 246-290-490.

Private Road Maintenance

Do you live on a private road in the Rim? It is the responsibility of the residents who reside on the private road to maintain the roadway. There is no county maintenance support as the other roads receive. The RID and LID programs for these roads are no longer being funded, so the financial responsibility falls solely on the residents. If you live on a private road and are interested in joining in the conversation about how best to approach the maintenance and repair issues of shared private roadways, please email Neighbors can work together to keep our community beautifully maintained.

Firewise Education

Wildfire prevention is something Smokey the Bear has taught for decades.  Did you see him at Cascade Park on Saturday, April 4?  Neighbors young and old watched and participated in a variety of fun educational activities put on by the WRA Firewise Committee.


King County DNRP Project Program Manager, Linda Vane, spoke about vegetation and strategies for maintaining the areas around your home.  She also brought materials (available in the WRA Office or online) for neighbors to see more examples of what the true dangers of living in a “Moderate Hazard” for wildfire neighborhood and what to do about it on your property.


NotFirewise2 LindaEars WP_20150404_10_50_51_Pro WP_20150404_10_50_56_Pro FirewiseKids photo 4


Doug Greathouse, WRA Park Co-Chair, gave us all a demo of how quickly simple needles and leaves can burst into flames.





Matt Rourke, Chair of the FIrewise Committee and current WRA Trustee, is a forestry expert.  He demonstrated techniques with tools and discussed how to keep your trees healthy as well as safety for your property.

WP_000604 WP_20150404_11_00_44_ProWatchingtheDemo


Evergreen Tree Care, Inc. came out with a chipper truck and climbing crew.  Watching the skill of removing some of the dangerous branches over the WRA Office was fascinating!  Thank you to the teams for demonstrating ways we can keep our homes safe.

EvergreenTruck Ropes HighUp ChippingLimbs ChipperCleanUpChipping

2015 Easter Egg Hunt and Peep Roast

Fun times were had by all who attended this year’s Easter Egg Hunt and Peep Roast!

THANK YOU to those who volunteered by stuffing eggs, making signs, inviting friends, stoking the fire, hiding the goodies, cleaning up, and the many other details to make this event happen!  Living in a neighborhood with such fun, caring people is amazing.

1.01HereTheyComeDougEarsPresidentSteveEarsEggs YumSmores2 YumSmores Smores2SmoresCuteKidHuntingforEggsintheWoodsChrisBunnyCountingtheSpoilsRhodyEggs
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WP_000600 WP_000596 WP_0005971.1Rainbow


Would you like to be part of more events like this?  Email or with your ideas or skills that you would like to use to serve your community.

Tree Removal Standards for the Wilderness Rim Area

WRA Tree Removal Guidelines

WRA members are not required to obtain approval of the ARC before removing trees, however, the WRA ARC Guideline 8.12.1 states that “Trees removed for safety or other reasons shall be replaced to maintain the natural sylvan environment of Wilderness Rim.”

DPER Tree Removal Standards for the Wilderness Rim Area  (Residents must confirm their permitting obligations with King County DPER and WRA does not assume any liability from actions taken by homeowners and does not guarantee the accuracy of information provided in this bulletin):

You do not need a permit to remove trees on your property in Wilderness Rim if:

  • The total combined area of the tree canopy to be removed covers less than 7,000 square feet, or
  • The tree(s) present immediate danger to property or life.

You must obtain a permit from DPER for removing trees on your property in Wilderness Rim if:

  • The total combined area of the tree canopy to be removed covers more than 7,000 square feet.
  • The tree(s) you wish to remove is within a critical area (wetland, steep slope, etc.) or their buffers.

Except in hazardous situations, WRA members are encouraged to find out if their work area is affected by critical areas or their buffers.