
Bear Sightings Continue in the Rim

Please remember to secure your garbage cans, be watchful of your children and do not approach or feed any bear. If you see a bear, or a cougar, in Wilderness Rim, first call 911 to report the sighting and then contact the WRA office. The 911 dispatcher will notify both the Sheriff’s Department and the Department of Fish and Wildlife.

Join the Search for “THE GREAT PUMPKIN”

Presented by the Special Events Committee

Kids, wear your fun costumes and bring your parents to join in too!
The hunt begins on time at 1:15 p.m. in Cascade Park and will be followed by treats in the Chalet.
These are the tricks we have in store for you…

Pumpkin face creations Ghostly piñata
Pin the nose on the witch game Spider ring tossing
Cookie Monster walk Creepy Hollow
Movie of the week Spooky duck bingo

Anyone interested in helping us with the event please contact the Rim office at 425-888-0087 to leave a message or email

Farewell to Pat

Pat Olszewski, one of the original residents of Wilderness Rim died in June. She, and her husband Ski, built their Rim home themselves and were active in Rim management since the late 1960s. They were instrumental in getting the Rim both water meters and fire hydrants. Pat was employed in the office back in the days before computers. She also volunteered countless hours to the Association as a Board member, serving as president and other offices. Her favorite position was as Chairwoman of the Park Committee as she loved Cascade Park where several trees are planted in her honor. Her memory will remain as an inspiration and challenge to other residents to give back to their community. Her indomitable spirit and keen sense of humor are missed.

2005 Annual Meeting Ballot Results

The results were tallied by the Wilderness Rim Board of Trustees today.

Results are as follows:

  • Annual Meeting Minutes were approved by 97.6%.
  • $10 increase for the Park was approved by 75.6%
  • The security assessment passed by 77.6%.
  • Waving the annual audit was passed by 83.1%

Thanks to all who participated!

About the Wilderness Rim Website

Im assuming that many people who have never been to our website before will be seeing this for the first time after they learned about the website at the 2005 Annual Meeting.

Our website is here to provide a fast method of communication, a resource for relevant association information, as well as a sense of community. If you have ideas on how we can use the website to its fullest potential please do not hesitate to submit these to the board of trustees at our monthly meetings, or contact us via email at:

We will do our best to address the requests from the 2005 Annual Meeting as quickly as possible.

Did You Know?

Our website has an RSS feed which means you will be able to subscribe to the website if you use an RSS reader.

The value of this is that you dont have to check the website for updates. An RSS reader will let you know when there have been updates.

RSS is the technology that is commonly referred to as “blogging”. RSS is an emerging technology that every day is becoming more and more popular. There are a variety of RSS readers available and it is being built into all the major Internet browsers.

It is just another valuable tool that will allow you to get the latest news about the neighborhood you live in as fast as possible.

Park Equipment Update

Have you visited the park to play on the new playground equipment? We have our new play structure, a teeter-totter, and a bouncy toy in place! We also had new baby swings installed. Please join us at our Annual Meeting to see your special assessment funds in action. Activity bags will be provided for the children as we kick off the annual meeting at 10:00a.m. We look forward to seeing you there!

Proposed Water Rate Increase

The president of Sallal Water Association, Donald Klausing, will be a guest speaker at our Annual Meeting. The WRA Board of Trustees received a letter from the Sallal Water Association proposing a water rate increase. The Board of Trustees is in negotiations regarding this proposed increase. Mr. Klausing is making himself available to discuss this proposal.

We Want You…

to join the board!

Are you interested in your community? Do you want to become more involved? We currently have two openings on the Board of Trustees and five openings on the Architectural Review Community. Please come to the Annual Meeting and run for one of these positions. You will be providing a valuable service to your community!