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WRA Office Resumes Billing Duties


Effective immediately, WRA is resuming administration of billing for water and assessments for WRA members.

  • We need each lot owner to update their records with the office.
    Please provide the information requested on the back of the tear-off remittance section of your water bill.  You may also email the office at office@wildrim.org.
  • All water and assessment related financial matters will be handled in the WRA office.
  • You may mail your payments to:
    Wilderness Rim Association
    Post Office Box 315
    North Bend, WA
  • You may drop your payments off at the WRA office during office hours:
    10:00 am – 3:00 pm    Tuesday
    12:00 pm – 6:00 pm    Wednesday
    10:00 am – 3:00 pm    Thursday
  • You may drop your payment at any time in the drop box by the WRA office door.
  • Payment arrangements for accounts should be made with Suzanne in the WRA office.

Assessment Payment Arrangements

You may arrange assessment payments to spread out the obligation and avoid late fees.  To make payment arrangements, contact Suzanne in the WRA office.

Special note for owners who rent out their home(s) in Wilderness Rim

The WRA Rules and Regulations for the Water System do not provide for billing tenants.  Therefore, we may only bill owners of the lots in Wilderness Rim.  If we don’t have an address for the owner please provide this information to the WRA office as soon as possible and no later than January 30, 2014.  Your use of the form mentioned at the beginning of this article will be appreciated.

Five Ways You May Be Wasting Water Around The House

From:  http://wateruseitwisely.com/5-ways-you-may-be-wasting-water-around-the-house/


It’s easy to be conservation conscious in theory, but in practice, it takes sacrifice and discipline. The Bureau of Reclamation found that the Colorado River’s worst drought in 100 years could affect agriculture and hydroelectric power production, AZcentral.com reports. If the drought continues, desert residents could see more direct consequences, including higher water costs and limits on the amount of water per household.

It doesn’t have to come to that. Small decisions throughout the day equate to gallons of wasted water. It’s easy to leave the water running while you do dishes or spend the extra 5 minutes in the shower, but those choices further escalate the problem. You don’t have to solve the water crisis on you own, but small measures can go a long way toward shrinking your water consumption.


leakOne the most common and least productive wastes of water is a leaky pipe. U.S. News reports that the average household can leak more than 10,000 gallons of water per year. The biggest culprit is the toilet, where leaks are more common because of frequent use. You’ll usually hear it if your toilet isn’t working properly. If it runs when it’s not in use, check the valves and inner parts. A plumber will be able to spot less obvious leaks. A worn-out pipe or broken o-ring could be adding gallons to your water bill. Have your pipes examined annually to prevent more serious problems.


That new shirt you love is dirty, but you’re dying to wear it out tonight. The simple answer is to throw it in the wash whether or not you can fill an entire load. Follow this pattern too many times, however, and you’ll see your water bill start to creep up. Not only will a little laundry self-control save you money, it will also save water. Stick to a laundry schedule, and wait until you have a full load to wash. If you just need that shirt, ask your relatives or roommates if they need anything washed.


When we waste one thing, we don’t think of the possibility that we’re wasting another. Wasting food has a documented ripple effect, however, and it’s especially important for Arizona residents. NPR reports that the 1.3 billion tons of food wasted every year equates to 45 trillion gallons of water. That’s nearly a quarter of all water used for agriculture. If the world stopped wasting food, the water crisis would be over.

Do your part to make use of all resources at your disposal.


It’s a luxury that many around the world don’t have, but showers constantly contribute to our water crisis. The average 4-minute shower with an old head uses 20 gallons of water. Replace it with a low-flow shower head and you can cut that down to 10 gallons and by using a WaterSense showerhead, you could save even more. Everyone needs a long shower every now and then, but regular 20-minute sessions put an unnecessary strain on the environment.


In an effort to keep lawns green in the desert, some residents tend to overwater. Not only does it waste water, it can actually lessen healthy growth. If you have a stubborn brown patch, try reconfiguring your sprinkler layout rather than upping the water dosage.Learn more about how to check your irrigation system for efficiency and how to water just the right amount.



Danger: Thin Ice



Every few years, Brewster Lake freezes over.  It’s so beautiful and interesting that it is very tempting to try to walk across it.  Please don’t.

Consider the following headlines from the last few days:

Two young brothers die after falling through thin ice in rural Iowa

Three people die after separate drownings after falling through thin ice


Even if you don’t fall in, you may find yourself rescuing someone who has.  The following video will teach you what happens when you fall in, how to get out, and how to safely help someone else.

Wild Weather




Wilderness Rim is 600 feet higher than North Bend.  Sometimes that 600 feet makes a big difference in the weather.

Thanks to Scott Johansen’s Personal Weather Station, you can now get a weather report specifically for Wilderness Rim.

Look for the “Weather” links on the Home page (shown above).

Thank you Scott!


Guidelines for Attending Board of Trustees Meetings

Wilderness Rim Association Guidelines for Member Participation

Member Participation and Contribution

Members are welcome at all meetings and are encouraged to attend, participate and contribute to deliberations. Recognition of a speaker by the presiding officer is a prerequisite to speaking and is necessary for an orderly and effective meeting. It will be expected that all speakers deliver their comments in a courteous and efficient manner and will speak only to the specific subject under consideration.

Right to Speak

At committee meetings any member has the right to speak on any item on the agenda given there is enough time in the meeting to do so. New topics need to be communicated to the Committee Chair before the meeting so it may be added to the agenda in advance.

At Board meetings any member has the right to speak on items under discussion after the trustees have concluded their discussion and before action is taken provided time is allowed at the discretion of the Board.

Manner of Addressing the Board

Each person recognized by the Chair to address the Board shall state their name, Division and Lot number for the record, and state the subject they wish to discuss. They must also state if they are representing an organization, other persons or group of persons and limit their remarks to the amount of time the Chair allows. All remarks must be addressed to the Board as a whole, not to any member individually. All speakers must be courteous in their language and deportment and shall not discuss or comment on personalities or indulge in derogatory remarks or insinuations.

Anyone making out of order comments or acting in a manner contrary to these guidelines shall be subject to removal from the meeting.

Grant Opportunities for Projects in Unincorporated Areas

Oct. 16, 2013

King County Executive announces new round of grant opportunities for projects in unincorporated areas

Total of $60,000 in grants for 2014 in unincorporated area projects

King County Executive Dow Constantine today announced the third year of new Community Service Area grant opportunities, and encouraged residents in unincorporated communities to become more connected in their neighborhoods.

“We have growing demand for community projects, and we look forward to awarding more grants to creative neighborhood groups in 2014,” Executive Constantine said.

A total of $60,000 is available through the King County Community Service Area Program for projects, with grants of less than $5,000. Examples of projects that can be proposed are:

• Newsletters that inform residents about important issues affecting the community;
• Events such as concerts, festivals, and educational and safety projects;
• Neighborhood improvement projects such as tree planting, graffiti removal and clean-up;
• Community-led planning or training; and
• Signage for a neighborhood or community.

Proposals should demonstrate how activities would be accessible to all unincorporated King County residents regardless of race, income, or language spoken.

A minimum match of 25 percent in the form of volunteer time, cash or in-kind services of the total project cost is required. Applications are due Jan. 10, 2014.

Priority for funding will be given to locally based, community-led organizations in the unincorporated Community Service Areas that encourage collaborations and partnerships.

“We have supported two years of creative initiatives and we look forward to another great year of improvements in our unincorporated communities,” said Alan Painter, manager of the Community Service Area program.

In the last two years, 49 projects were funded throughout unincorporated King County, including:

• Music in local parks
• National Night Out events
• Support for local senior centers
• Volunteer cleanup along the Snoqualmie River
• Neighborhood cleanup initiatives
• Community signage
• Youth projects

Information about the 2014 application process, grant application workshop dates, and a list of the 2013 awardees is available at http://www.kingcounty.gov/exec/community-service-areas.aspx.


New Wilderness Rim Sign

Doug Greathouse standing next to the Wilderness Rim entrance sign, which is mounted upside down.

Doug Greathouse proudly displaying his handiwork

The Park Committee maintains “The Triangle” (also known as “The Y”) at the entrance to the Rim, the Greenbelt, and Cascade Park.

Volunteering your time to help make Wilderness Rim a better place makes a long lasting difference in our community.

See the Calendar for the next Park Committee Meeting, or send an email to Park@WildRim.org and say, “How can I help?”

Happy Holidays



“Happy Holidays” from Wilderness Rim Association’s Board of Trustees

From left to right (in picture):

  • Ernie Henrie
  • Brian Mogridge
  • John Greer
  • Jim Besso
  • Donna Greathouse Neel
  • Suzanne Glazier (Administrative Assistant)
  • Steve McDonald
  • Kimberlea Miller
  • Joyce Jansen

Not pictured:

  • Fernando Platin, Jr.
  • Matthew Rourke

Cedar River Watershed Education Center – Rain Drums

View Larger Map


The Drums

Seventeen drums representing different cultures are placed in an exterior courtyard of vine maples. A clear flowing stream moves water up copper tubing above each drum.  Computer-driven solenoid valves create programmed rhythms of contemporary and ethnic compositions as well as mimicking the rain at various times.

Artist Dan Corson:

“I wondered how to turn the experience of sitting in the watershed’s old growth forests and moss covered stands of vine maple while listening to the hypnotic pattern of rain on the leaves into art.  While in Bali months earlier, I had heard of some drums that were designed to be played by the rain.  Although I searched and never found any examples, the idea of those drums became strongly rooted into my mind.”

Come visit on a day when the temperature is 36 degrees Fahrenheit or above and enjoy the amazing artwork Dan Corson and his team brought to life.


Seattle Public Utilities
Cedar River Watershed Education Center
19901 Cedar Falls Rd SE
North Bend, WA 98045
(206)733-9421 or (425)831-6780


Cedar River Watershed Education Center – Family Fun Day 12/27/2013

View Larger Map

The Center

The Cedar River Watershed Education Center is the gateway to Seattle’s Municipal Watershed, nestled above the shores of Rattlesnake Lake.
Families, groups, individuals, and classes come here to learn about their drinking water, discover ways to conserve, and connect with the unique cultural history of this special place.

Visit and experience the rhythmic rain drums and interactive exhibits at the Center.  Tours, special events, field classes, and family activities take place throughout the year.

The Center is a premier rental facility for weddings, company retreats, and conferences.

December 27th is our winter open house event, themed “Wondering About Wildlife”.  This is an event for family members of all ages.  Come enjoy hot beverages, snacks, crafts, walks and presentations both inside and out.  Bring lunch and stay for the day.  To learn more visit us at www.seattle.gov/util/crwec.



Seattle Public Utilities
Cedar River Watershed Education Center
19901 Cedar Falls Rd SE
North Bend, WA 98045
(206)733-9421 or (425)831-6780
