Financial Update—Water and Assessments

At the June 15, 2016 meeting, the WRA Board of Trustees voted to raise the base level minimum water rate charge by $2 from $34 to $36.  This is effective as of the July 2016 billing cycle. The HOA Dues Assessment billing will be occurring in September to coincide with the annual meeting ballot ratification(…)

Chalet Roof Project Update

The Wilderness Rim Board of Trustees has selected a contractor to replace the Chalet and Office roofs based on the Park Committee’s recommendations. The work is tentatively scheduled to begin late August/early September. WRA has requested a specific start date from the contractor and will update the WRA calendar once a firm date for the(…)

Special Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda – July 29, 2016

AGENDA Call to Order Roll Call Announce and Record Election Results Elect Officers Establish Check Signers Assign Committee Chairs Standing Committees Budget and Finance Communications Park Water Utilities Special Committees Firewise Community Events Neighborhood Safety Discussion concerning bylaw-driven items Monthly Billing Newsletter Member Q&A Adjourn Meeting