Special meeting results from July 26, 2016

Here are the results of the Special Meeting of the Membership called by the members for the purpose of adding and removing trustees from the board, held on July 26, 2016. TOTAL BALLOTS CAST:   173  (28% of membership) Results for questions concerning the removal of trustees: Number Question Result Percentage Q1 Retain the Board of(…)

Budget and Finance Committee Meeting Cancelled

The Treasurer is not available to Chair this Committee Meeting due to another event that takes precedence at this time. As volunteers, the trustees and committee leaders, will find it difficult to prioritize WRA activities over more fulfilling interests or commitments when their time and expertise is not valued here. There is no requirement in our(…)

Water Utilities Meeting Cancelled

Wil Chromey, Co-Chair of the Water Utilities Committee, being very satisfied at the performance of Satellite Management Services and Roger Lillejord, and having no pressing business to address is cancelling this meeting and will convene again in August. The meters will be read this coming weekend by Ben Larson.  Please keep an eye out for him(…)