Illegal Waste Disposal

Illegal Dumping is the improper disposal of waste as defined by King County. One of our community members has been dumping bags full of cat litter and feces along our roads in Wilderness Rim. This is occurring along 168th Street and 422nd Ave SE as you approach the exit from the Rim through the Uplands.(…)

Notice of King County Utility Rate Increase

On November 7, 2016, the King County Council passed Ordinance 18403, by a vote of 7 to 2 (Mr. Von Reichbauer and Mr. Dunn dissenting), creating New Section 6.27.080 of King County Code. This new code section requires franchise utilities,    consisting of electric, gas, water, and sewer, to pay a fee to the County in(…)

High Water Usage – Causes and Troubleshooting

There have been some complaints from WRA customers that water usage totals are high for the summer months.  Here are some things to consider. August and September were very dry, and a lot of folks watered their lawns and gardens during that period. Under an average water pressure for a home: A 1/2-inch garden hose(…)