
Letter to Rim Residents from King County

Dear Wilderness Rim residents,

With the recent heavy snow and forecasted warmer weather and rain, it is setting us up for potential flooding in your neighborhood as soon as this weekend. If you are part of the neighborhood group that volunteered to help out your neighbors who are impacted by the flooding, now would be a good time to see if they need help with sandbagging, moving items to a higher floor, or anything else.

Rattlesnake Lake Storage Tank: Please Conserve Water!

We got a call from Denny Scott and one of the generators is down at the Rattlesnake lake tank.
Denny has asked that we conserve water to help maintain water levels in the tank. There is still no power up at the tank and he is having to run a rental generator manually to maintain water levels.
There is NO issue with water quality, just water levels in the tank. It should be straightened out once
the power gets back up and running to the tanks computer.

Lost and Found


2011 Annual Meeting Election Results

JULY 9, 2011

Trustees Elected for 3 Years
Brian Mogridge
Andrea Nelson

Architectural Review Committee Members Elected for 1 Year
Lisa Baty
Alan Bruckner
Brian Mogridge
Andrea Nelson

Results of Ballot Issues
2010 Annual Meeting Minutes Approved 87%
2011-2012 WRA Annual Budget Approved 77%
$27.50 Special Assessment for security patrol Failed 30%
$31.00 Special Assessment for Security Patrol Approved 68%
Waiving Annual Audit for 2010-2011 Approved 76%

WRA Annual Meeting Announcement

It’s time once again for the Wilderness Rim Association (WRA) Annual Meeting! The 2011 WRA Annual Meeting will be held at Cascade Park on July 9, 2011 from 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Registration begins at 9:30 a.m.

This is a private meeting for members only.

Coffee and donuts will be available at 9:30 a.m. and the meeting will begin promptly at 10:00 a.m.

Your participation in the 2011 WRA Annual Meeting is crucial for you to voice your concerns and ask questions. If you do not vote and/or attend the meeting, we cannot know what issues you consider important. If you can’t attend the meeting you can vote by proxy. See your annual meeting packet for details.

Incidents of Vandalism

Over the weekend of June 17th there were three incidents of vandalism in Wilderness Rim. Please remember if you witness any incidents of vandalism to call the office and the police.
Homeowners bear the cost of clean-up.

  1. Someone dropped off about 15 paint cans at the triangle by the main road in the Rim. As if that wasn’t bad enough, then someone opened one of the cans and poured blue paint all over the place. There were numerous bicycle tracks through the blue paint.
  2. A porta-potty was tipped over onto someone’s lawn. Potelco paid the clean-up on that one. If you see one of these tipped over, there is a phone number on the side of the porta-potty you can call to report it and request immediate clean-up.
  3. The electrical box in the large picnic shelter was damaged by vandals. This will cost around $250.00 to repair.

If any of you know anything about who was involved in any of these acts please let us know.

3 to Get Ready – Washington Disaster Preparedness Campaign

Washington State will observe Disaster Preparedness Month in April. In promoting the value of preparedness, Bonneville Seattle (97.3 KIRO FM, 710 ESPN Seattle, 770 The Truth, and in partnership with the King County and the Seattle Offices of Emergency Management and Snohomish County will execute a public awareness campaign “3 to Get Ready” starting 4/4/11 through 5/8/11.

View the Official Flyer!

On-air promotion of the preparedness challenge including tips will be provided and voiced by Bonneville’s local radio hosts. will execute and create a customized web page(s) for the “3 to Get Ready” preparedness challenge campaign and incentivize the first 200 participants to win a crank radio or an emergency kit. All participants including the first 200 will be eligible to have their names drawn for the grand prize trip – a round trip car/driver ferry ride for two adults (up to two children) with two nights stay at Queen Victoria Hotel and Suites plus tickets to visit the The Butchart Gardens, the Butterfly Gardens, and Adrenaline Zip Line Tour. Travel arrangements will be provided by the Black Ball Ferry Line operating between Port Angeles and Victoria. The grand prize winner will also win a 4-person emergency kit.

Campaign participants should go to This website lists neighborhoods within King County, City of Seattle, and Snohomish County. They can enter their zip code and be directed to a specific neighborhood page listing non-emergency numbers and any other pertinent emergency information relevant for that particular neighborhood area. Also on this page will be actions listed in three boxes for the participants to perform. They are:

  1. Take Action (Do the “3 to Get Ready Challenge” – practice Drop, Cover and Hold, create an out of area contact, and store emergency drinking water.)
  2. Tell A Friend (You did the challenge. Share a tip on how you have prepared yourself or your family for a disaster.)
  3. Send a Photo (Get creative and submit a photo that illustrates your disaster preparedness.)

After participants complete their task(s) and submission, the first 200 participants will win a prize (crank radio or emergency kit), and all participants’ names will be entered for the grand prize drawing. The grand prize winner’s name will be announced in the Ron & Don Show (3p-7p) on 97.3 KIRO FM, Wednesday, 5/11/11.

The “3 to Get Ready” campaign will also be advertised in local blogs and newspaper publications. Advertising has been purchased at: West Seattle Blog, My Ballard Blog, Capital Hill Blog, Rainier Valley Post, Phinneywood/Queen Anne Blog, My Greenlake, B-town blog, Seattle PI Web Newspaper, Issaquah Press, Sammamish Review, Kirkland Web Blog,, and Sound Publishing (Bellevue, Renton, Kent, and Federal Way).


King County has delivered sand and sandbags to Wilderness Rim. The sand is in the parking lot next to Cascade Park and the sandbags are under the carport by the chalet. Please bring your own shovels to fill your sandbags.

King County Roads

King County Info for Pot Hole Repair

Call 1-800-527-6231 (1-800-KC-Roads) with your request to have pot holes filled in, someone will be out within 24hrs to fill it.