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2018 Annual Meeting Election Results

Here are the preliminary results from the 2018 Annual Meeting.  The vendor will be sending the full report of the results early next week.  An attorney will need review options to resolve the interdependence of the four voting items (2.2, 2.2.1, 4.3 and 4.6), one of which did not pass.  Invitations have been emailed to the top vote recipients for the Board and ARC.

TOTAL BALLOTS CAST:   124  (20% of membership)

WRA 2018 Annual Meeting Results


Information Concerning the WRA Vendor Consolidation Effort


What’s happening?
The WRA board of trustees is consolidating our outsourced services to a single vendor, Agynbyte, an HOA management service company.

Why would the WRA board do that?
Currently, the board outsources most of its services to vendors.  Billing is outsourced to Sallal.  Bookkeeping to another vendor, technology services to another vendor, and the list goes on.  Maintaining the office systems, creating financial reports, updating the website, storing information, etc., is taking considerable time from the volunteer board of trustees, who also have families, jobs, and an assortment of other responsibilities.   Managing the relationships for those services is burdensome and time-consuming.  Each one comes with a different level of insight into what they are doing, and each one has a different process for charging for their services.  Additionally, when something goes wrong, a determination effort must be made to properly address and correct the problems.

By consolidating these services to a single organization, there is one point of contact for everything that is done for us.  Additional tasks will also be absorbed as part of the service, freeing the trustees to better facilitate and manage the needs of the community.

Is this going to cost a lot of money?
No.  The base rate for the management company is less than the sum that we are paying the various individual vendors.  There are fees for the non-standard things we do, such as paper bills and such that will incur additional fees on the part of the Association, but even adding the estimated time and volume of those fees places the expected total in line with current levels of expenditure.  There will be a 3% dues increase in the budget for July 2018 – June 2019 which is $0.25 per month.

Does this mean that the board is handing control of our community away?
No.  The management company will perform tasks at the direction of the board.  Most of these tasks are already outsourced to other vendors.  Some functions that are currently being performed by volunteers will be handed to the management company.  They have professionals who have an average of 20+ years of experience in handling tasks for HOAs.

While the management service will handle the operational aspects of managing our community, it will not take over any decision-making tasks at all.  All decisions will remain with our Board of Trustees.  The service will help the board by assisting in the collection of information needed for the board meetings and will provide a list of decisions it needs the board to make, but the board will be the governing body making the decisions.  The board, obviously, will also continue to make decisions on behalf of the community as needs arise, and the management service will respond to the board’s needs.

You have one point of contact, what about us?

Currently, our office is staffed 3 days a week, for roughly 4-6 hours a day. With the management company, there will be a 24-hour on call point of contact, with a 24-hour service agreement.  Currently, if you call the office on Friday, you might not get a call back until the next Tuesday at the earliest.  For emergencies, such as a water leak, WRA will provide the service with a triage list, and they will immediately contact someone to handle your situation. 

What about our information?

The community’s records will be kept on a secure portal that will be accessible only to our members.  Personal and private information will be secured from outside access and will not be shared or sold.  Detailed records of interaction with the service or the board will be tracked and monitored in a consistent, secure, and persistent manner.

What about our covenants and rules enforcement?

Enforcement of our covenants will be at the direction/discretion of the board, as it is now.  Complaints of violations that the management service receives will be forwarded to the board for advice on how to handle the incidents.  There will not be “covenant patrols” performed by the management service – unless future boards change current practices after seeking legal counsel.

Are we going to have extra fees to pay?

Payment processing will be on a schedule and run professionally.  Most activities will be incorporated into our base rate.

Why is the payment mailing address in Phoenix?

Agynbyte partners with Mutual of Omaha Bank, which is where their clients’ operating funds are. They have a lockbox in Phoenix, Arizona which handles check processing.  Agynbyte’s offices are in Bellevue and Maple Valley.

What are some other benefits?

  1. More professional communication. There will be more formal lines of communication between board and members and members.  Standard processes will be in place that will not change with board turnover.  Complaints, transfers, reservations, suggestions, etc. will be handled professionally and consistently.
  2. Board support. The management company will create agendas, attend meetings, train the board, and advise members.
  3. Standardized financial reporting. WRA will have consistent, timely, and transparent reporting of financial statements.  Tax filings will be on time, and state and federal requirements will be met.


What was the process used to select the management company?

The board of trustees conducted a rigorous selection and information gathering process that started with the on-site interview of 3 local and national management companies to discuss the basics of working together with management companies, to learn about common activities and processes, and to share information about our community and get feedback.  Following that meeting, the board developed a formal RFP document with the aid of a standardized template from CAI (Community Associations Institute) along with information we learned during the interviews.  We sent this RFP out to a total of 5 local and national companies, and received detailed and complete responses from 3 of the 5.  After reviewing the proposals, it was clear that there were two front runners from a cost/value and services provided perspective, and the board had reservations about the culture and flexibility of one of those two, which is a large national firm.  Upon narrowing down the list to the top two, and with some reservations about one, we brought the leading proposal in to meet and discuss in person.  We outlined some concerns we had and they worked with us to adjust their proposal to better suit our needs, and we gained confidence in their abilities as well.  Following this meeting the board contacted current customers of this firm to discuss their history and experience, which was very positive, and had their proposed contract reviewed by our attorney in preparation for the Board’s vote on engaging or not.

Why did the Board of Trustees decide to hire a management company without a full membership vote?

The Board discussed this at length on multiple occasions and some of the discussions points are below.  The Board ultimately agreed, although not unanimously, to make a decision now without waiting for a membership vote.

  • The costs associated with hiring a management company are not greater than the current costs for the same services we currently get via multiple vendors and employees
  • Sallal, who provides our Billing and customer service functions under an operating contract has recently decided to terminate that agreement, thus leaving WRA without a viable billing and customer service vendor after the next billing cycle.
  • The board of trustees is run by community member volunteers.  Many volunteers are currently overburdened and conflicts with work and life are leading to likely attrition of some key positions in the short term.
  • The Board of Trustees is governed by the WRA Bylaws, which task the Board, under the Powers and Duties section, to: 3.2.4 The trustees shall manage, oversee, supervise, and control the business affairs of WRA, and make any necessary rules, regulations, policies and procedures consistent with law, the Articles of Incorporation, and these Bylaws to administer the corporation. Whereas the general membership is not involved in the day to day operations of the business affairs, and is not responsible for contributing their time to this task, the decision on how to manage those activities and responsibilities should rest with the board, not the membership.
  • The service to the membership will in most cases be a higher level of service.  It is true that there will be some changes, and change is not always warmly welcomed by everyone, but we believe there will not be a significant negative impact to the majority of the membership in their day to day interactions with HOA.

Still have questions?  Email trustees@wildernessrim.org

Chipping Spots Still Available

It’s not too late to get on the list for free branch chipping through the Firewise program.  Chipping is scheduled for Saturday, April 21, 2018.  Please call the WRA Office at 425.888.0087 or email Firewise@WildernessRim.org with your lot number and contact information.  Chipping is done on a first come-first serve basis.

Notice of King County Utility Rate Increase

On November 7, 2016, the King County Council passed Ordinance 18403, by a vote of 7 to 2 (Mr. Von Reichbauer and Mr. Dunn dissenting), creating New Section 6.27.080 of King County Code. This new code section requires franchise utilities,    consisting of electric, gas, water, and sewer, to pay a fee to the County in return for the right to use their right of way. The King County Facilities Management Division is currently creating administrative rules to implement the Ordinance.

More information, including the draft rule and a comment form can be found at the following website:


The WRA WUC recommends contacting members of the King County Council to share your thoughts about this new fee.  Councilmember Kathy Lambert is the District 3 representative encompassing Wilderness Rim and surrounding communities. Councilmember Lambert can be contacted via email at kathy.lambert@kingcounty.gov  or by phone at (206) 477-1003.  The deadline for comments is 5:00 PM, December 7, 2017.

If the current proposed fees are implemented, it will increase every utility bill you receive by $5.00 (minimum) to $???? per month.

Being a Good Neighbor

Recent nice weather has led to an increase in member complaints. Nearly all could have been resolved by members following Rim Restrictive Covenants and Architectural Guidelines, King County Ordinances, or by talking to their neighbors and working with them to resolve the issues. Issues included:

  • Dogs Barking and Off Leash. Dogs and children have recently been hurt or harassed by dogs off leash in neighborhoods or in the park or greenbelt. Dogs must be on-leash at all times in Wilderness Rim. Members have also been disturbed by loud barking dogs. If your dog is a barker, keep them inside or get a barking collar from a pet store. The Board does not have the power to intervene. Dealing with barking and off-leash dogs is a legal action handled by King County. If you cannot get your neighbor to quiet their dog, please contact King County at http://kingcounty.gov/safety/regionalAnimalServices/~/media/safety/regionalAnimalServices/documents/AnimalComplaints.ashx.
  • Bright Lights on Houses. Several members raised concerns about very bright house lights that light up the neighborhood and make it difficult for nearby neighbors to sleep at nights or enjoy the stars. According to Architectural Review Guideline 8.9.1. Lighting. “Outdoor lighting shall not be intrusive on neighboring properties or roads.” If you have a bright light, consider a lower wattage bulb, a smaller, less intrusive light fixture, or a security light. Also, consider turning off the light when you go to bed at night.
  • RVs and Camping Trailers. RVs and large trailers have popped up everywhere. Although great for camping, they are now taking up space on roads and some are being used for long-term living in the Rim through hook-ups to septic and propane tanks. Restrictive Covenant 7 prohibits the use of a trailer or RV as a residence either temporarily or permanently.

Bottom line – Treat others as you would like to be treated!

2017 Annual Meeting: Board of Trustees Requests Nominations and Pro and Con Statements

The Board of Trustees of Wilderness Rim Association request nominations for positions on the Board of Trustees, Architectural Review Committee (ARC), and Advisory Committee. The Board is also asking for pro and con statements for proposed ballot approvals and bylaw amendments.

If you are interested in serving on the Board of Trustees, ARC, or Advisory Committee, please submit your name and a short statement (a paragraph or two) as to why you want to be on the Board, ARC, or Advisory Committee. If you would like to write a pro or con statement, limit it to a few paragraphs. Submit your name and statement of qualifications, or pro/con statement, by email to office@wildernessrim.org, by mail (WRA, PO Box 315, North Bend, WA 98045), or hand deliver to the office drop box behind the Cascade Park Chalet. Nominations and statements must be received by the Office by August 11, 2017. This information will be included in the ballot information provided to the members later in August.

The duties of the Board of Trustees are to ensure that our common resources are managed in compliance with all the applicable laws, such as the Revised Code of Washington, and in the best interests of the membership. The number of Trustees who shall manage the business affairs of the Association is 11. Two trustees are currently serving three-year terms, thus nine positions are open.

The Architectural Review Committee, also known as the Architectural Control Committee, is responsible for assuring the compliance of Association members and Wilderness Rim residents with the Wilderness Rim Restrictive or Protective Covenants as applied to members’ lots; maintaining records of construction and improvement plans; drafting or amending Architectural Guidelines, which then must be approved by the membership; and educating the membership about the Architectural Guidelines. Members serve for one year, and the Committee shall be composed of at least three, but not more than six members.

The Advisory Committee is responsible for advising the Board of Trustees about current issues that may be subject to the Association’s governing documents and continuing resolutions. The committee shall be composed of at least two but not more than five members. To be a member of the committee, you must have completed a minimum of three years on the Board of Trustees and have served as an officer for at least one of those years.



Water Rates to Increase

Wilderness Rim Association (WRA) purchases its water from Sallal Water Association (Sallal). In 2016, WRA paid Sallal about $11,125 per month for water. Sallal recently notified the WRA Board of Trustees (Board) that Sallal was increasing the monthly fee to $13,855 per month, or nearly 25%. Sallal stated that the increase reflects rising costs since the last rate update in 2011, as well as a one-time adjustment for the cost of hiring a new field operator. On January 18, the Board met and passed a motion to increase the Base water rate from $36 to $44.82 beginning at the end of March to cover the cost of the wholesale water rate increase. The Base rate covers water usage from 0 to 200 cubic feet per billing period, which means that all residents will pay the increased fee, regardless of total water use. The fees for water use above this rate will remain the same. For water rates, see “WRA Water Rate and Fee Schedules” at http://wildernessrim.org/legal.

2014 Holiday Light Contest Winners

Over 200 homes had lights on them this year!  Thank you to everyone who shared some cheer this season with their neighbors, and thank you to our sponsors:








Eleven adults and nine kids helped judge the winners based on curb appeal, use of color, content, and volume of lights.  The competition was fierce, but here are the homes that won gift certificates to Boxleys or Ace (and the grand prize winner gets to ride in the fire truck next week!):

1st Place:   17007 426th Ave SE

17007 426th Ave

2nd Place:  17403 SE Cedar Falls Rd

17403 S E Cedar Falls Rd

3rd Place:  17436 426th Ave SE

17436 426th

4th Place:  17404 426th Ave SE

17404 426th

Also honorable mentions:

16827 426 Ave 43305 432nd 42805 se 170th pl 17014 427th 17320 426th 42406 S E 169th 42766 Se 173rd pl 42921 175th17335 428th ave se 17212 428thpl se 17004 426th



If you haven’t already, take a drive around the Rim to see the excellent displays before Christmas!