
2014 WRA Photo Contest

The fall photo contest was a fun success!  Here is the winner:

“Mom, can we keep them?”



Second place:

“Peaceful Reflection”

Third Place:

“Brewster’s Autumn Glory”

Winners may claim their prizes at the WRA Office.  Thank you to everyone who submitted and “liked” the great photos!


Here are some of the other submissions to enjoy:

Evening Snow


Office Administrative Coordinator Hired

Wilderness Rim Association is pleased to announce the hire of Jessica Besso as the WRA Administrative CoordinatorJessica joined the team officially on July 24th.
Jessica brings over 16 years of experience in accounting, auditing, and customer service. Her capabilities include small business accounting, internal and external audit fieldwork, and project management among other skills desired for this position.  As the Office Coordinator, she will be responsible for day-to-day tasks for the association as well as performing the accounting functions.  With her CPA and CFE licenses and her prior experience on WRA committees including Water Utilities and Budget & Finance, Jessica has excellent knowledge of WRA business processes.   
We are excited to have Jessica’s expertise in the office and she is looking forward to serving her neighbors well.  The future is looking bright for Wilderness Rim! 

July 2014 Annual Meeting Ballot Election Results

TOTAL BALLOTS CAST:   91  (15% of membership)


Chris Hardy
Ben Larson
Jeff Sowell


Jessica Besso
Steve McDonald
Doug Greathouse
Fernando Platin, Jr.
Leslie Kreher
Matt Rourke

1)    Approve the 2013 Annual Meeting Minutes YES 89%
2)    Approve the Feb 2014 Special Meeting Minutes YES 86%
3)    Approve the 2014-2015 Budget YES 84%
4)    Approve Assessment for Security Patrol for 2014-2015 YES 64%
4a)  Should #4 pass, vote for the 2014-2015 amount per lot: $40 YES 73%
5)   Authorize capital expenditure to replace the Chalet roof without         special assessment (Bylaw 3.2.6): YES 75%
Amendments to WRA Bylaws require 67.67% to Pass
6) Bylaw Amendment #1:           Intro  Reference to RCW 64.38 Passed 90%
7) Bylaw Amendment #2.2          Voting By Mail Passed 94%
8) Bylaw Amendment #3.1.1       Board Powers and # of Trustees Passed 70%
9) Bylaw Amendment #3.1.2      Trustee term limited to one-year Failed 43%
10) Bylaw Amendment #3.1.7      Limit Check Signing Term Passed 88%
11) Bylaw Amendment #3.1.8       Prevent Trustee Compensation Passed 93%
12) Bylaw Amendment #3.1.13    Strengthens criminal act penalty Passed 81%
13) Bylaw Amendment #3.1.15    Protects WRA from trustees violating Bylaws Passed 80%
14) Bylaw Amendment #3.1.16    Protects WRA from trustees violating Bylaws Passed 77%
15) Bylaw Amendment #3.1.17    Candidate assurance of Bylaw compliance Passed 83%
16) Bylaw Amendment #3.2.4      Clarifies trustees’ responsibilities Passed 85%
17) Bylaw Amendment #3.2.5      WRA Real Property provision Passed 78%
18) Bylaw Amendment #3.2.10    Compliance with RCW Passed 92%
19) Bylaw Amendment #3.2.11    Requires audit every 4 years Passed 87%
20) Bylaw Amendment #3.3.0      Restricts officers from acting without Board Failed 53%
21) Bylaw Amendment #3.3.2      Restricts V.P. from acting without Board Failed 53%
22) Bylaw Amendment #3.3.3      Restricts Sec. from acting without Board Failed 57%
23) Bylaw Amendment #3.3.5      Limits secretary to one officer position Passed 82%
24) Bylaw Amendment #3.3.6      Limits officers to chairing one committee Passed 76%
25) Bylaw Amendment #4.1.0      Timing of Annual Meeting to Sept. Passed 81%
26) Bylaw Amendment #4.1.1      Requires CPA for financial reports Passed 85%
27) Bylaw Amendment #4.3        Clarifies quorum requirement Passed 84%
28) Bylaw Amendment #4.4        Changes Board meeting to third Wed. Passed 90%
29)  Bylaw Amendment #4.5       Announcing special meeting of the Board Passed 91%
30) Bylaw Amendment #4.6        Clarifies Vote By Mail procedure Passed 88%
31) Bylaw Amendment #5.1.6     Updates communication methods Passed 91%
32) Bylaw Amendment #5.1.9     Clarifies Committee responsibilities Passed 87%
33) Bylaw Amendment #5.1.10   Request for Proposal procedure Passed 84%
34) Bylaw Amendment #5.2.2     Clarifies trustee financial duties Passed 89%
35) Bylaw Amendment #5.2.3     Adds Website to Communications Passed 92%
36) Bylaw Amendment #7.1       Clarifies Vote By Mail Passed 90%
37) Bylaw Amendment #7.2       To comply with RCW Passed 80%




Fishing Derby July 12th

Bring your pole and see what you can catch! Awesome prizes for top 3 fishers!

Children fourteen and under are invited to fish for Rainbow Trout from the shoreline of Brewster Lake. Prizes will be awarded for the three longest Rainbow Trout caught. If there is a tie, the fisher-person with the heavier fish will be the winner.


The derby will start at 7 a.m. Please register at the picnic shelter before going to the lake.   Weigh-in will be at 9:30 a.m. to determine the winners. Prizes will be awarded during the Annual Meeting. Please review the Washington Fishing Regulations to ensure you are in compliance with state law.


 Please use common sense and courtesy and respect to others and your surroundings. Below are the “official rules” for you.


1.)     All rules of Cascade Park apply. The Wilderness Rim Association (WRA) does not condone wading or other water contact.

2.)     Eligible participants include children 14 years old and younger.

3.)     All participants must register before fishing.

4.)      Registration begins at 6:45AM in the picnic shelter. Participants must be registered by no later than 9:00AM.

5.)      The Fishing Derby officially begins at 7AM (No fishing before)

6.)     The official measuring of fish for the derby closes at 9:30 AM.

7.)      Fishing boundaries include the dry portions of the shoreline of Brewster Lake. Fish must be caught from shore.

8.)      One fishing pole per child.

9.)      Parents may help children, if needed. Try to let kids fish as much as they can.

10.)   A maximum of 5 fish may be caught with at most 3 recorded per participant during the derby.

11.)   All fish caught must be taken to the registration table for official measurements. Please weigh-in fish right after you catch them. You are encouraged to release fish under 6 inches.

12.)   Fish not released back to Brewster Lake in a healthy condition must be removed or properly disposed of by the fisher, so as to avoid creating a nuisance at the park or to surrounding properties.

13.)  Prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd longest fish will be awarded to registered participants. Weight will break a tie.

14.)  All registered participants are eligible for a raffle prize drawing.

15.)  All registered participants not recording a fish caught are eligible for a separate drawing.

16.)   All prizes will be awarded at the end of the fishing derby during the WRA Annual Meeting, around 10-10:30AM

17.)   Winners of the derby and raffles need to be present to claim their prizes.

18.)   Winners must be present to claim prizes from the raffle.

19.)   Participants are limited to winning only one raffle prize during the Fishing Derby.

20.)   All ties will be broken first by weight, and then subject to a random drawing.

21.)   All prizes must be accepted as awarded and have no other surrender value.

22.)   All decisions made by event coordinators are final.

23.)   The participant that guesses closest to the total number fish caught in the Fishing Derby will win a prize. In the event that there is a tie, then there will be a drawing or coin flip to determine the winner.

Prizes include a fishing pole, tackle boxes, and bait for future fishing adventures!


How Many Ballots?

The 2014 Annual Meeting is almost here and the ballots are already coming in.  How many do YOU think there will be this year?  Put your guess in a comment below, and the closest member will win a prize!



2014 Annual Meeting – Ballot Q&A Sessions

Question 1 – Is there a standing resolution to not hire someone in the Rim?

A: Rim Residents can apply for positions per the 5/8/13 Board decision.


Question 2 – Who submitted which Bylaw amendments?  Is there a way to make the process more transparent in future years?

A: Anyone may know who submitted the amendments (we can put the list on the website if desired).  We can work to improve the process with member feedback.

Suzanne Glazier – Resignation Announcement

From Steve McDonald, WRA Board of Trustees President:

It’s with regret that I announce the resignation of our Administrative Assistant Suzanne Glazier. She will be with us until July 3. Through the month of July she has offered  to help us during her days off from her other position on Tuesday and Wednesday.  This will help in the billing and transition responsibilities to the new Administrative Assistant that is identified.  Suzanne has been the smiling face that many of you have seen as you have come into the office. Her kindness and willingness to help is unmatched and she will be greatly missed. She loved her position with WRA and enjoyed working with all of the members in our community. She will be taking on a full time position as an assistant concierge with a company in Bellevue with full benefits.

We will miss Suzanne and wish her the very best in her new position. Please stop by the office or give her a phone call and wish her well.