
Do you love the Wilderness Rim park?

Hi Neighbors!
Do you love Wilderness Rim’s Cascade Park and Brewster Lake?  Then come join your neighbors to show our recreation areas some TLC on Saturday, August 27th starting at 9am.  Here’s the plan in brief:
  • Show up at 9am
  • Have fun
  • Clean up dead branches and re-purpose them for Mother Earth via a Chipper
  • Meet neighbors
  • Paint the park picnic tables at the shelter
  • Eat some food and talk to your neighbors

If you are able to make it, please let us know so that we can plan accordingly and keep you well fed and happy during the day. Please email to confirm you will be blessing us with your presence. If you are planning on joining us, it might be a good idea to bring some work gloves.

Also, if you can’t make that date but are still interested in helping out, you can! From now until park cleanup day, you can help by gathering dead branches on your own time and bringing them over to the waste bins by the WRA office. This will help us get a good head start on the clean up.
If you have any questions about the event, please don’t hesitate to contact me directly ( or the WRA Parks Committee (
Looking forward to meeting you!
Jason Lange, Trustee 3
Wilderness Rim Board of Trustees

Reminder: Special Meeting Friday, August 12

Just a quick reminder that there is a Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees scheduled for Friday, August 12, 2016.

The purpose/agenda of the meeting:

Discuss Electronic Balloting
Discuss Annual Meeting – key points, schedule, and purchase of required items
CLOSED EXECUTIVE SESSION to discuss legal issues and personnel matters.


Don’t forget: Upcoming meetings

Just a quick reminder about upcoming Committee meetings on Wednesday, August 10:

6:30 – Water
7:15 – Firewise
7:30 – Budget & Finance
8:00 – Annual Meeting – Special Meeting

We welcome member participation!  Come join us if you can, and help keep our community a great place to live!

Want to be a Trustee?

Trustee and ARC positions are available!  If you are interested in running, please contact the WRA Office to return a candidate information form to the BOT before August 17.  Membership elections will take place Saturday, September 17, 2016 at Cascade Park.  Elected trustee positions are for three-year terms while ARC positions are for a one-year term.


Financial Update—Water and Assessments

At the June 15, 2016 meeting, the WRA Board of Trustees voted to raise the base level minimum water rate charge by $2 from $34 to $36.  This is effective as of the July 2016 billing cycle.

The HOA Dues Assessment billing will be occurring in September to coincide with the annual meeting ballot ratification of the budget.

Questions or comments?  Please contact


Chalet Roof Project Update

The Wilderness Rim Board of Trustees has selected a contractor to replace the Chalet and Office roofs based on the Park Committee’s recommendations.

The work is tentatively scheduled to begin late August/early September.

WRA has requested a specific start date from the contractor and will update the WRA calendar once a firm date for the work has been established with the contractor.

If you have any questions about the project, please feel free to contact the Park Committee.


Recent Pictures of the Chalet with the Cedar Shake Roof, installed in 1967.

A view of the Chalet RoofDetail of the Cedar Shake Roof, installed in 1967.

Picture of Chalet in 1969, sporting the cedar shake roof… the lack of trees is quite striking. When Wilderness Rim was established, it was built in a clear cut.

Chalet in 1969 from KC GIS

View of the Chalet in the late 1990’s

Chalet 1990's

Views of Chalet in 2008 and 2015

Calet 2015 frontChalet 2015 Side

Special Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda – July 29, 2016


  • Call to Order
  • Roll Call
  • Announce and Record Election Results
  • Elect Officers
  • Establish Check Signers
  • Assign Committee Chairs
    • Standing Committees
      • Budget and Finance
      • Communications
      • Park
      • Water Utilities
    • Special Committees
      • Firewise
      • Community Events
      • Neighborhood Safety
  • Discussion concerning bylaw-driven items
    • Monthly Billing
    • Newsletter
  • Member Q&A
  • Adjourn Meeting

Special meeting results from July 26, 2016

Here are the results of the Special Meeting of the Membership called by the members for the purpose of adding and removing trustees from the board, held on July 26, 2016.

TOTAL BALLOTS CAST:   173  (28% of membership)

Results for questions concerning the removal of trustees:

Number Question Result Percentage
Q1 Retain the Board of Trustees Failed to Achieve Majority 43% Yes / 43% No
Q2 Remove Donna Greathouse as Trustee Approved 55% Yes
Q3 Remove Ernie Henrie as Trustee Approved 54% Yes
Q4 Remove Joyce Jansen as Trustee Approved 60% Yes


The following members are elected to the board of Trustees as a result of the candidate elections:

Jason Lange (Elected – 81 Votes)

Kelly Koechel (Elected – 74 Votes)

Jerry Cummings (Elected – 71 Votes)

Robert Beeler (Elected – 66 Votes)

Cale Sweeny (Elected – 64 Votes)

Jim Besso (Elected Write-in – 26 Votes)

The Board of Trustees now consists of the following members: Thomas Grisso, Heather Larson-Paul, Angelina Holverstott, Wil Chromey, Mark LaPerriere, Jason Lange, Kelly Koechel, Jerry Cummings, Robert Beeler, Cale Sweeney, Jim Besso.

Congratulations to the newest board members, and the Wilderness Rim Association thanks the members who participated in this process.

There is a special meeting of the Board of Trustees for the purpose of recording the ballot results, electing officers, voting on check signers and chair/co-chair persons of committees is set for Friday, July 29, 2016 at 7:00 PM.

(Note) All new board member positions are for 3 year terms. Some trustees have elected to have their terms limited until the Annual Meeting in September and rerun for a 3 year position.

Budget and Finance Committee Meeting Cancelled

The Treasurer is not available to Chair this Committee Meeting due to another event that takes precedence at this time.

As volunteers, the trustees and committee leaders, will find it difficult to prioritize WRA activities over more fulfilling interests or commitments when their time and expertise is not valued here.

There is no requirement in our Bylaws or the RCW that a committee meeting be held at this time.

Should you have any constructive observations, questions or concerns, please email them to Susie, at  The office will, as always, respond to these items or forward them to the appropriate committee leadership or the trustees.  Please remember our posted office hours are when such messages are processed.

Thank you.